
I'm Filippo Costa.
Software engineer, builder, and avid learner.

Get in touch [email protected]


I'm a full-time, 100% remote Senior Protocol Engineer at Sovereign Labs working on ZK Rollup tooling; before that I used to work on The Graph as a Rust Software Engineer at Edge & Node. I'm also pursuing a B.Sc. in Computer Science at the University of Pisa and I'm the core contributor of FerrumFIX, a project that aims to bring first-class support for FIX tooling to Rust.

I have a great passion for performance and human-computer interaction, which converge in my interest for compiler technologies. I enjoy building foundational solutions, open systems, and developer tools that reduce the amount of friction when interfacing with software.

When I'm not in front of a computer screen, you'll probably find me somewhere cycling, snapping some pictures, or reading sci-fi books. 📖


A Google Developer Groups presentation about the fundamentals of blockchains and the history of Bitcoin. Slides here.
Italian language, February 2023.

A beginner-friendly introduction to IPFS for, how it works and what one can build with it. Slides here.
Italian language, December 2022.

I was invited to Pointer Podcast to chat about cryptocurrencies, Rust, and concurrency.
Italian language, September 2021.

My RustLab 2022 talk. Abstract:
What Rust patterns are most effective when designing useful abstractions with little to no overhead? In this case study, we'll be looking at the Financial Information eXchange protocol and how to build a crate with a large API surface without sacrificing performance.
Slides here.
English language, October 2022.

  • Rust
  • C
  • WebAssembly
  • Elixir
  • Scala
  • Golang
Tooling & infra
  • GNU/Linux
  • Docker, K8s
  • GitHub Actions
  • Terraform, Ansible
  • AWS, GCP basics
As a team member
  • Async communication
  • Clear, concise writing
  • Empathy
February 2022 - Present
Software Engineer
July 2021 - February 2022
Core Protocol Developer
Summer 2019
Intern, Rust Software Developer
View My LinkedIn